Host applications can be submitted for one year in advance. In addition, an application must be submitted for each age group that you wish to request to host.

Once you have completed the application, it will be sent to your State Commissioner (see drop-down list below) for endorsement to the Southeast Regional Commissioner.


Application Date: March 28, 2025
Tournament Year: 2026
Choice Priority:
Age Group Requested (Baseball):
Host League Name:
League President:
President Phone: Format: 1234567890
President Email:
UPS/FedEx Mailing Address:

Completion of this request form is required in order to be considered as a future host for a Babe Ruth Southeast Regional Tournament. Make sure that all form fields are completed.
Please provide answers about the facilities:

What is the name of the complex?
How many tournament-grade fields are available?
Please indicate the field(s) configuration (all that apply):
What is the deepest field depth? feet
Is there a grass or turf infield w/dirt mound?
Is there a grass or turf infield w/portable* mound?
Is there a dirt infield w/dirt mound?
Is there a dirt infield w/portable* mound?
For turf fields, are metal cleats allowed?
Is there an electronic scoreboard?
Are the dugouts covered?
Is there an enclosed press box?
Is there a public address system?
Is there field lighting?
*We require the use of a Babe Ruth League-approved portable pitching mound.

How much is the umpire compensation fee, per umpire, that your league pays its umpires for tournament games for the age group requested?
$ (per umpire, per game).