Southeast Regional
Active Operation Policies


Policy #: 20191001
Policy Title: Tournament Formats and Determination
Review Date: 2023-12-08

Tournament Formats and Determination


  • The Southeast Region tournament format will be double elimination or pool play as determined by the Southeast Region Commissioner. Participating teams for the Cal Ripken Division and Babe Ruth Softball Divisions are the tournament Host, State Champion, and first runner-up teams; in the Babe Ruth Baseball Divisions, the tournament Host and State Champion teams.
  • Tournaments with more than eight teams require the availability of two or more fields as determined by the number of teams who register to participate.
  • In double-elimination brackets requiring a play-in game, the host team will be in the play-in game.

Determination of Format to be Used:

The following team participation counts are eligible for a pool-play format:

4 teams          Each team plays three games in a single pool, then all teams are seeded into a single-elimination championship bracket.

5 teams          Each team plays four games in a single pool, then all teams are seeded into a single-elimination championship bracket.

6 teams          Two pools of three teams each with each team playing two games; all teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

7 teams          Each team plays four games in a single pool, then the top four teams advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

8 teams          Two pools of four teams each with each team playing three games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

9 teams          Three pools of three teams each with each team playing two games; all teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

10 teams        Two pools of five teams each with each team playing four games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

11 teams        One pool of five teams and one pool of six teams with each team playing four games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

12 teams        Three pools of four teams each with each team playing three games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

13 teams        One pool of six teams and one pool of seven teams with each team playing four games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

14 teams        Two pools of seven teams each with each team playing four games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

15 teams        Three pools of five teams each with each team playing four games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

16 teams        Four pools of four teams each with each team playing three games; the top two teams in each pool advance to a single-elimination championship bracket.

Policy #: 20191002
Policy Title: Tournament Hosting Fee
Review Date: 2023-12-08

Tournament Hosting Fee

  • The Hosting Fee for Southeast Region tournaments has been set at $3,000 for all baseball and softball age groups.
  • Hosting fees will be reviewed for update at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
Policy #: 20191003
Policy Title: Tournament Awards
Review Date: 2023-12-08

Tournament Awards

  • The Southeast Region will provide Champion and Runner-up medallions for managers, coaches, and players, Champion and Runner-up team plaques, and the Champion team banner.
Policy #: 20191004
Policy Title: Parents and Fans Gate Pass Fee
Review Date: 2024-11-16

Parents and Fans Gate Pass Fee

  • The fee is $600 for participating teams.
  • The Parents and Fans Gate Pass Fee will be reviewed for update at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
Policy #: 20191007
Policy Title: Brackets Draw Schedule for Southeast Region Tournaments
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Brackets Draw Schedule for Southeast Region Tournaments

The following applies to all Southeast Region tournaments scheduling:

  • Every team must view and print a copy of the tournament Manager's Tournament Information Package (MTIP). This document provides information about check-in and other events offered by the tournament Host. Teams are required to check in on time, regardless of the bracket.
  • Each year, a deadline for reporting team participation is established. The date is 6 days prior to the team check-in date for the Southeast Region tournament. Six days allows for the preparation of a program by the Host.
  • The tournament bracket, double elimination or pool play, is generally created 3 days before check-in. Each State is given appropriate allowance for teams to report because of bad weather or other obstacles that could delay the completion of a State tournament.
  • After a bracket has been created, no changes will be made. If a team drops from the tournament, or does not show up at check-in, then the team is accessed with a forfeiture loss (0-6 for Cal Ripken baseball and 12U softball and 0-7 for Babe Ruth baseball and 16U and 18U softball) for each game where the team is scheduled to play.
Policy #: 20191008
Policy Title: Tournament Team Credentials Book Requirements
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Tournament Team Credentials Book Requirements

Here is what is required for the Team Credentials Book (Babe Ruth Rule 11.04); a video is available that will provide instructions and show examples of the documentation required... click HERE.

Place these documents in a protection sleeve and then place them in a ring binder in the following order:

  • Completed Tournament Team Checklist
  • Certificate of group accident insurance
  • Certificate of league liability insurance
  • Tournament team roster certified and signed by the League President
  • Certified (signed for advancement to the State level and above) Babe Ruth Letter of Eligibility
  • Completed Consent for Treatment form
  • Copy of team photo with players identified
  • Coaching ID card or Coaching Education certificate for the rostered manager and all coaches
  • Abuse Prevention Training certificate for the rostered manager and all coaches
Policy #: 20211011
Policy Title: Invitational Tournament Team Registration
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Invitational Tournament Team Registration

  • Age groups considered by the Southeast Region as Invitational and covered bythis team registration policy are: Rookie Baseball, 9-Year-olds Baseball, 11-Year-olds Baseball, and all Softball age groups.
  • Southeast Region Host, State Champion, and First Runner-up teams have the first priority to register.
  • Other teams that participated in a State tournament and teams from States where no State tournament is held that wish to participate can register on a first-registered, first-placed basis; registrations are date-and-time stamped.
  • The Southeast Region Host team will be asked to preregister on a date and time determined by the Region.
  • State Champion and State First Runner-up teams must register within 24 hours after the completion of their State tournament.
  • State Champion and State First Runner-up teams that do not register within this time allowance may register along with all other teams and be subject to the date-and-time-stamp registration requirement.
Policy #: 20211012
Policy Title: Player Late Arrival
Review Date: 2021-07-18

Player Late Arrival

  • Tournament team administrators may submit a request for a player to arrive late for tournament participation in the team's first (or later) scheduled game(s); late-arrival requests for managers and coaches, and for a player to arrive late for the icebreaker, are not required.
  • There is an online process that easily provides the path for approval; the web link to the request form is provided in the team’s registration acknowledgment email, along with the required login credentials.
  • Player late-arrival requests are processed through the player’s State Commissioner for endorsement to the Southeast Region Commissioner or designee.
  • Players who have been approved for late arrival must check in with the Host Tournament Director or the Southeast Region Representative upon arrival.
Policy #: 20211013
Policy Title: Team Representative Check-in
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Team Representative Check-in

  • Check-in of a team by the manager or one of its coaches will be handled between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. The tournament team credentials book will be presented for examination and approval and the State flag will be turned over to the tournament director. The book will be returned to the team representative; any issues would require resolution by the next day, no later than 1 hour before the team’s first scheduled game.
  • The Host League Tournament Director, Southeast Region Representative, and the Crew Chief will conduct an orientation with team managers and coaches at a time set prior to the mandatory icebreaker.
  • Teams will participate in the icebreaker; players, managers, and coaches will wear jerseys.
Policy #: 20211014
Policy Title: Opening Ceremonies, Icebreaker, and Pregame Tournament Team Check-in
Review Date: 2024-10-07

Opening Ceremonies, Icebreaker, and Pregame Tournament Team Check-in

  • Opening Ceremonies and the Icebreaker, when offered, will be held on the evening of check-in.
  • Tournament teams must check in with tournament officials at the game site 1 hour prior to the start of the team’s first scheduled game.
  • The manager, coaches, and non-excused players must report.
  • Any player who has not been excused and is not present in time for the start of the team’s first scheduled game will not be allowed to participate in the tournament*.

* The Southeast Region Representative can override this policy if an unavoidable situation exists for a player.  The goal is for all players onsite to have an opportunity to play.

Policy #: 20211015
Policy Title: Softball Tournaments Format
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Softball Tournaments Format

  • Southeast Region softball tournaments for age groups 8U through 16U are invitational.
  • When possible, Southeast Region softball tournaments are played at one central site located as close as possible to the center of the Southeast Region.
  • Each of the participating tournament teams must be from a chartered Babe Ruth league, have an approved Letter of Eligibility, have its online roster approved, and play in the normal tournament trail until eliminated at the State level or become the State champion; there are no other team advancement qualifications for participation.
  • The Host team, State Champion teams (when applicable), and State second-place teams (when applicable) will have first priority to be placed if registered within 24 hours of the State tournament completion. ALL other registrations are date-and-time stamped, allowing those teams to be placed in a bracket on a first-registered, first-placed basis.
  • There is no advancement to another tournament level; the Champion and Runner-up team players will receive medallions and the Champion and Runner-up teams will each receive a plaque as recognition of being the Southeast Region Champions and Runners-up for the age group.
Policy #: 20211016
Policy Title: Removal of an Unidentifiable Bat
Review Date: 2021-01-28

20210016 – Removal of an Unidentifiable Bat

  • If it is determined by the assigned Southeast Region Representative, the Host Tournament Director, or an umpire that any non-wood bat in Cal Ripken Baseball (4-12) or Babe Ruth Baseball (13-18) cannot be clearly identified as specified by the BAT REQUIREMENTS (in the current edition of the Babe Ruth baseball rule book), then the bat shall be directed to be removed immediately and not be allowed for use during the remainder of the tournament.
Policy #: 20211018
Policy Title: Wireless Communication and Other Electronic Devices
Review Date: 2021-01-28

Wireless Communication and Other Electronic Devices

  • Wireless communication devices are not allowed in the dugout and (or) on the playing field. However, if a team scorekeeper is not available, electronic scoring devices (smartphones, tablets, or laptops) are permitted for use by a coach officially listed on the team roster. No device on the field or in the dugout may be used as a means of communication (telephone, text, or email).
  • The use of eCigarettes (vapes) and all other electronic devices is prohibited in the dugouts and (or) on the playing field by tournament participants.
Policy #: 20211021
Policy Title: Umpire Compensation
Review Date: 2023-12-08

Policy 20211021 – Umpire Compensation

  • The number of umpires that will be assigned to a tournament game is:
    2 – Rookie Baseball
    2 – Minor Baseball
    3 – Major Baseball, 13-16 Year-olds Baseball, and 16-18 Year-olds Baseball
    2 – All softball age groups
  • The per-game, per-umpire minimum compensation (paid by the tournament host league) is:
    $45 – Rookie Baseball and 8U Softball
    $50 – Minor Baseball, Major Baseball, 10U Softball, and 12U Softball
    $60 – 13-16 Year-olds Baseball, 16-18 Year-olds Baseball, 14U Softball, 16U Softball, and 18U Softball
  • An out-of-State Crew Chief will be assigned to a tournament if an in-State (not local*) Crew Chief is not available. *A local umpire is defined as an umpire who officiates games in the host league's geographical area.
  • For travel, the Southeast Region will compensate an out-of-State Crew Chief $150 and an in-State Crew Chief $100.
Policy #: 20221022
Policy Title: Crew Chief and Crew Member Selection
Review Date: 2023-10-08

Crew Chief and Crew Member Selection

  • By rule (Rule 11.05, paragraph 4), all umpires must be Babe Ruth National Umpire Association (NUA) members.
  • Umpires interested in becoming the Crew Chief for a Southeast Region tournament must submit an online application for consideration. The form is found on the Babe Ruth Southeast Region Umpires website (
  • The Southeast Region Commissioner (or designee) will assign the Crew Chief for each tournament age group.
  • The assigned Crew Chief will select the crew members for the tournament. Prior to officiating, the name of the selected crew members must be forwarded to the Southeast Region Commissioner (or designee), who will verify NUA membership for the tournament year.
  • Elected Southeast Region Board members (State Commissioners) are not eligible to apply for this position, nor are they eligible to participate as a member of a selected crew.
Policy #: 20221023
Policy Title: How Teams Qualify to Participate in a Southeast Region Tournament
Review Date: 2022-11-03

How Teams Qualify to Participate in a Southeast Region Tournament

Baseball Tournament Trail Age Groups:

  • These age groups are the 10-Year-olds, 12-Year-olds, 13-Year-olds, 14-Year-olds, 13-16 Year-olds, and 16-18 Year-olds.
  • Teams must successfully advance through their District (or Area) and State tournaments.
  • The State Champion from Northern Florida, Southern Florida, Georgia, Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, and Western Tennessee will advance to the Southeast Region tournament. The State Champion and the State Runner-up from Virginia will advance to the Southeast Region tournament.
  • Teams must register for the Southeast Region tournament in accordance with the event instructions contained in the Manager’s Tournament Information Package (MTIP). Only the Host team and the teams listed above are eligible to compete in these Southeast Region tournaments.
  • Each Southeast Region tournament is open to qualified Babe Ruth tournament baseball teams that play within the States of the Southeast Region.
  • For each Southeast Region tournament, the Regional Champion will advance to the appropriate age group World Series.

Baseball and Softball Invitational Age Groups:

  • These age groups are the Rookie Baseball, 9-Year-olds Baseball, 11-Year-olds Baseball, 8U Softball, 10U Softball, 12U Softball, 14U Softball, and 16U Softball.
  • Teams must have played through their District (or Area) and State tournaments. All teams at the State tournament level are welcome to register with the Region, win or lose.
  • Teams must register for the Southeast Region invitational tournament in accordance with the event instructions contained in the Manager’s Tournament Information Package (MTIP). The Host team, the State Champions, and the Virginia State Runner-up are guaranteed a slot with all other available slots filled on a first-registered, first-seeded basis.
  • Each Southeast Region tournament is open to all Babe Ruth tournament baseball or softball teams from leagues chartered in the States of the Southeast Region.

Baseball and softball teams that participate in Southeast Region invitational tournaments are eligible to register to participate in the Babe Ruth Invitational World Series; teams are eligible as long as they participate through the tournament trail (typically a District tournament, or, if not offered, a State tournament. Teams, when eliminated at any level, are eligible to register for the Babe Ruth World Series Inviationals.

Policy #: 20221024
Policy Title: Local League Regular Season Schedule
Review Date: 2022-12-02

Local League Regular Season Schedule (Baseball and Softball)

  • A local league regular season schedule shall consist a team schedule of a minimum of 10 games scheduled within their league or an interlocking league schedule with other Cal Ripken Baseball 4-12, Babe Ruth Baseball 13-16, Babe Ruth Baseball 16-18, or Babe Ruth Softball 4-18 leagues at the discretion of the league president prior to the start of tournament play.
  • Player eligibility requirements for tournament play based on the games played are specified in Policy 20231026.
Policy #: 20231026
Policy Title: Local League Regular Season Player-Participation Requirement for Tournament Play (Baseball and Softball)
Review Date: 2023-02-16

Local League Regular Season Player-Participation Requirement for Tournament Play (Baseball and Softball)


In accordance with Babe Ruth Rule 11.04, paragraph 1(c), and the requirements in this policy, player eligibility is determined by the league president and indicated by his or her signature on the official copy of the Babe Ruth League, Inc. tournament team roster. It is the responsibility of the league president to develop a registration deadline and justifications for the approval of players.

  • In the Southeast Region, to be eligible for selection to an official Babe Ruth League, Inc. tournament team, a player must have participated in at least 50% of his or her local league team’s scheduled games played prior to the first scheduled tournament game. (When an odd number of games is involved, the player receives the benefit; e.g., for eligibility, one-half of 13 games played is 6 games.)
  • “Scheduled games” are those games scheduled to be played after the player is placed in the team roster exclusive of those games when the player was not able to participate because of injury, participation in scholastic sports, or other reasons approved by the league president.
Policy #: 20231027
Policy Title: Drawing Tournament Team Brackets
Review Date: 2023-02-03

Drawing Tournament Team Brackets 

Tournament Trail Age Groups:

  • The determination of whether there will be a double-elimination or pool-play format will be established when the total number of teams is known.
  • Double-elimination bracket seedings will be determined by draw with the Host team placed first to compete in the first round (a Regional Host team is not eligible for a bye: Rule 11.06, paragraph 7).  In the first round, the team in the bottom of each game bracket is the home team.  There is a toss of a coin for home team determination thereafter; in pool play, home teams are predetermined.
  • Pool-play seedings will be determined by draw, rotating each team drawn between the American and National Pools. The Host team is seeded where pulled.

Invitational Tournament Age Groups:

  • The determination of whether there will be a double-elimination or pool-play format will be established when the total number of teams is known. When possible, the State champion teams and teams from the same State will be equally divided in double-elimination (top and bottom) brackets (in double elimination, a Regional Host team is not eligible for a bye: Rule 11.06, paragraph 7) and pool-play divisions.
  • In the first round, the team in the bottom of each game bracket is the home team.  There is a toss of a coin for home team determination thereafter; in pool play, home teams are predetermined. 

Determination Authority:

  • In all cases, regardless of the age group tournament type, the Southeast Region
    Commissioner retains the final determination authority over the tournaments (Rule 11.06, paragraphs 5 and 8).
Policy #: 20241028
Policy Title: Time Limitations - T-Ball Baseball and 6U Softball
Review Date: 2024-11-16

Time limitations:

T-Ball baseball and 6U softball games have a time limitation of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

1. No NEW inning can begin after the time limitation is reached unless there is a tie. Then the game will continue until there is a winner.

2. All games that end owing to the time limitation will be certified as a complete game by the Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) regardless of the number of innings played.

3. There is not a time limitation on championship games.


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